If what I say resonates with you, it is merely because we are both branches on the same tree.
– W. B. Yeats
If you are looking for seasoned HR professionals to meet your organization’s human resource needs, look no further. HR Alliance answers the question: “Who should I call?” (276) 620-1618.
Mary Jane Umberger, SPHR, is President of HR Alliance, LLC – a Human Resource support services firm located in southwestern Virginia, with no geographic boundaries on the clients her company serves.
HR Alliances acts as an adjunct HR department for companies too small to warrant a dedicated internal HR resource and larger organizations whose internal resources are over-extended.
As is the case in many business ventures, changes in ownership during Mary Jane’s career in manufacturing provided her with insights into philosophies, management styles, and cultural differences. Each of these learning experiences provided its own set of challenges, opportunities and rewards . . . and a chance to serve as “a catalyst for positive change.”
Throughout her career, Mary Jane has been nurtured by rich experiences, given the freedom to exercise her creativity, provided opportunities to collaborate with talented colleagues, and learn from valuable experiences and invaluable mentors, all of which have gifted her with roots and wings.
She earned her certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) in 1997 and continues the regimen of on-going education required to maintain the highest recognition of the Human Resource Certification Institute.
The HR Alliance team works diligently to build collaborative relationships with their clients toward the goal of exceeding the expectations of those they serve. You are invited to contact us, so that we can exchange perspectives and learn how we can best serve you.

Collaborative Business Partner: Extra Ordinary Living, LLC (Roanoke, VA) www.4extraordinaryliving.com
Affiliate: JER HR Group, LLC (Greensboro, NC & New York, NY) www.jerhrgroup.com